How To Replace Bike Pedals
The bike you ordered just arrived in a box, and upon opening, you notice that the pedals came separately from the rest of the body. It is necessary to show parts that are removable as well. Bike pedals get worn out just like the rest of the bike parts, so removal is vital.
The bicycle pedal bearing may require some maintenance as well. When it comes to the threads, they are also removed and installed opposite from each other. They have label engravings to not confuse one with the other (L-R).
The way threads are put on will also look a certain way while being tightened. It will also be different depending on the direction from left to right.
How to remove bike pedals:
- To start working on your bike, prepare your bike stand and mount it to avoid injuries that the chainring might cause.
- Get the bike upside-down to get to the pedals.
- Use a wrench and try to figure out the best position until it forms a 90-degree angle with the arm. When pedals tend to be tight, it’s important to analyze it first to get the right approach.
- Work on each side of the bike. To remove the right pedal, use a pedal wrench to grip and turn the pedal nut counter-clockwise. Do so until removed. Be careful not to get injuries or your skin wounded.
- Position yourself to the left side or turn the bike instead. At the second lever use the pedal wrench to grab the crank.
- To remove left pedal, shift the wrench clockwise. Or you could choose to shift the crank to pedal forward then remove pedal.
Pedal wrench flats are sometimes not used on every bike. Hex fittings at 8mm will sometimes be the parts securing the pedal. In this case, use 8mm hex wrenches for the task. At the back of the pedal is where the wrench should be although the direction of turns had not changed. Notice that it would appear that the clockwise and counterclockwise turns will merely appear different. It is essential to see the course of shifts, where the parts are, just basically the pedal orientation on the bike.
Now that the old pedals are removed, let’s replace them with new ones.
To get to the interior of the crank, turn the bike and position yourself at the best possible angle.
How to install bike pedals
- Before proceeding, look for the labels of L for left and R for right somewhere at the new bike pedals. At the wrench flats, look for the same markings. Bicycle pedals with the left threading are at the left crank. Go in the same direction for the right bike pedals and the right crank.
- Put a generous amount of grease or lubrication on the pedals.
- Put on the right-side pedal to the right crank and secure it by using the wrench.
- Hold the wrench by the flats and with your other hand, grip the second crank. Turn the pedals backwards to get to both left and right sides.
- Secure and tighten the pedal using the other arm then do the same for the left pedal. Only this time, use a counter-clockwise direction to put it on. A footlong wrench will yield 30 pounds.
*Use taps for repairing if you find it difficult to put on the pedal to the arm, or if the threads themselves are damaged. It will help to align the threads that needed repairs although this method comes with certain limitations. Bring the bike to a professional if you want a better restoration or replacement of particular parts.
Some parts are also under warranty provided by the manufacturer. Servicing will include adjustments, greasing, or cleaning. Because these parts are particulars of the brand, they must not be handled by other professionals outside of the company if you want to be sure of the quality. Not all parts are covered by this warranty as well. For these, you can get from bike shops that you trust. Mechanics would typically know the best services to get your bike up for your use once more.
Pedals contain all the typical small parts such as screws, nuts, or bolts. The mounting plates and the cage are held together by these small parts. Be sure always to check these small parts as well as the cleats to make sure that all the necessary securing pieces are present. It is not just for your bike but for your safety as well.